Welcome to the unofficial hazing deaths clearinghouse of Hank Nuwer. My books in print are Hazing: Destroying Young Lives, The Hazing Reader, and Wrongs of Passage (Indiana University Press). Out of print books on hazing are High School Hazing and Broken Pledges: The Deadly Rite of Hazing.
Hank Nuwer biography, Alaska Children’s Trust (Fairbanks, Alaska)
The best way to contact Prof. Hank Nuwer is through the University of Alaska (Fairbanks) at Hjnuwer@alaska.edu or Hnuwer@franklincollege.edu (Franklin College emeritus professor).
What happens to the hazing deaths page after moderator Hank Nuwer’s death? The data now will be preserved by hazinginfo.com: at Link
Recent non-hazing stories are archived at Hank Nuwer’s author website: Real Alaska Daily.
Link to 2000-2025 hazing deaths database
Twitter (X): @Hazing
The Hazing Deaths Unofficial Clearinghouse page tracks all hazing deaths and investigates suspected deaths to work toward solutions-based answers to eradicate behaviors associated with tragedies. This site tracks ongoing legislation and scholarly insights into hazing prevention that is intended to have a positive impact on a longstanding social problem in education.
My research has found one or more deaths a year occurred in U.S. each year from 1959 to 2021 (and again in 2023). No school deaths in the U.S. were declared from hazing in 2022 or 2024. However, an occupational hazing death occurred in 2022. HN
Video: Congresswoman Lucy McBath of Georgia reads names of hazing victims into Congressional Record
Learn about S.2901 Stop Campus Hazing Act here

The State University of New York awarded Hank Nuwer an honorary Doctor of Human Letters. Nuwer is a longtime member of IRE (Investigative Reporters & Editors), SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists), and Phi Kappa Phi & Alpha Lambda Delta National Academic Honor Societies. His master’s degree is from New Mexico Highlands University. Titles: Prof. emeritus, Franklin College; adjunct professor, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; elected member, Ball State University Hall of Fame, Journalism; Team member as manager, Buffalo State University Athletic Hall of Fame; Alaska Children’s Trust 2024 Champion. 2024 Alaska Press Club Columnist of Year and second place, best Humor; 2022 Ohio SPJ Columnist of the year and 3rd place SPJ Indiana columnist of the year.
Scholars: Visit and contribute your scholarship to the Hank Nuwer hazing archives page at Buffalo State University (SUNY Hank Nuwer Hazing Research Collection): at https://library.buffalostate.edu/archives/nuwer
Breaking news on August, 22, 2024. The wife of Arkansas Vincent Parks blasts the state’s academy for “covering up” circumstances in her husband’s death in 2022. Although the causes are called non-criminal, she says this was a needless death due to a hazing practice called a “smoke session.” See more here at “Occupational Hazing Deaths.”

Books on hazing: “Hazing: Destroying Young Lives, “Wrongs of Passage,” “The Hazing Reader,” “High School Hazing,” and “Broken Pledges: The Deadly Rite of Hazing.”
Short Theater Plays on hazing: The Broken Pledge (fraternity hazing) and Death of a Rookie (athlete hazing).
Hank Nuwer’s Wife: Malgorzata Wroblewska-Nuwer (nicknamed Gosia Nuwer).

Send any page corrections to Hnuwer@hanknuwer.com