A member of the Beta Kappa Gamma Fraternity at LSU died in the fall semester of 2015 during one of the fraternity’s retreats.
It was the fraternity’s annual “Apple Night” retreat, where they stayed overnight in the woods to bond with one another.
Members left for the retreat on Nov. 6, 2015, the next morning 22-year-old Praneet Karki was pronounced dead within 10 minutes of arriving at the hospital.
“A young person with no known chronic medical issues, certainly you would have to come to the bottom of that with other scientific investigations,” William “Beau” Clark, the East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner, said.
A toxicology screen showed no traces of drugs or alcohol in Praneet’s system. The autopsy revealed damage to his heart. His cause of death is listed as “arrhythmia, likely exercise induced” on the autopsy report. Because he had no pre-existing conditions, according to the coroner, his death was ruled as “natural.”
“There was some kind of decreased blood flow to the heart muscles that caused the heart…. LINK to KATC story