Here is the link and excerpt
Former UC Davis marching band member Christina Peña describes the culture of the band in April 2019. As a member of the California Aggie band, Peña received the “Hymnal” – a booklet of explicit songs that glorify sexual harassment and drinking.
The freshmen were blindfolded and and driven nearly an hour, told they going to a “bonding” event hosted by older students in the UC Davis marching band.
They were told they were going to be “‘painting cows” with “animal-friendly paint.” When the freshmen arrived, they were given a cup of “paint” and told to take their blindfolds off.
“We discovered it was actually a red Solo cup full of a mysterious alcoholic beverage,” one of the students would later tell investigators hired by the campus. “We were then met with a loud band and introduced to the party called ‘Barn’. I would have had a much more fun time if they had simply told me the truth and if I wasn’t led under false pretenses.”