Penn State employee and Beta Theta Pi senior residential advisor Tim Bream isn’t being charged in relation to Timothy Piazza’s death.
But his name is being mentioned in court frequently.
During Friday’s preliminary hearing, Karen Muir, the attorney for Braxton Becker, questioned Bream’s role in the alleged coverup following Piazza’s death.
MORE: Bream was at Beta Theta Pi house night of hazing ritual
Becker, who served as Beta Theta Pi’s house manager, is being charged with tampering with evidence. GoPSUSports lists Bream as Director of Athletic Training Services/ Head Football Athletic Trainer.
In one text provided in the grand jury indictment, Becker suggests to Ed Gilmartin that it would be best to start one GroupMe over because members of the chat were acting “retarded posting some of that s*** in there.”
But, Muir argued, Bream — who is believed to have told former brothers to delete texts, as referenced in another chat — was not being similarly reprimanded.
Detective David Scicchitano did agree with Muir’s line of questioning, saying that, in that moment, Bream was “directing” former brothers to delete evidence.
Bream also told Becker to be at the house when detectives and members of the State College Police Department arrived to get video, according to Muir.