Anticipating an uproar following the alcohol-related death of Kyle Allen at Presbyterian College, the chapter yanked down its web site with pix such as these:
Pi Kappa Alpha (Mu Chapter) Toga Party Photos
Click on individual photos to separate the numerous PhiMu Presybyterian party pix from those on other sites. I kept SAFE SEARCH on by the way when Googling.
Read the entire opinion column for serious questions the media needs to ask President Griffith, the Honor Council, Greek Affairs staff and especially, the media who covered this death and allowed itself to print press releases about the death instead of taking the opportunity to look at the larger issue of smart, promising student athletes like Kyle L. Allen dying so young and tragically. The photos show the Mu chapter and Presbyterian party culture. It is no different at many colleges. The death needs to be examined as a social trends opportunity to address so-called “binge drinking.” Elsewhere on my site you can find tons of materials on alcohol education. Personally, I’d like this to be the last tragic death from alcohol we in the USA ever see. It won’t happen if newspaper editors keep calling this death “an accident” as the coroner euphemistically terms it.
Please thoughtfully read the entire column here.