Hazing News

Thesis on hazing in South Africa: Link


Hazing is a universal practice. The process is multi-dimensional and includes both positive
and negative aspects. Hazing broadly refers to the negative aspects of what newcomers
experience as they integrate into a group. This study focuses on hazing during orientation
programmes for Grade 8 boys in monastic secondary schools in South Africa. The problem
was investigated by a literature study and a survey using a self-designed questionnaire. It was
completed by a non-probability sample of 296 Grade 12 boys from three selected schools in
Gauteng Province. Data measured the biographical attributes of respondents and determined
their opinions of activities engaged in during the orientation programmes. Findings indicated
that respondents were positive about the orientation programme which acts as an introduction
into secondary school and is a means whereby traditions are transmitted. Respondents were
very opposed to any injurious activity. The objectives of orientation programmes are wellgrounded but when they deteriorate into hazing, they are very negatively perceived.


In the 1970s and 1980s high school students began to search for ways to mark their transition
into adulthood. The activities which they introduced resembled the brutality of university
hazing. By the 1990s hazing at high schools had spread across the US and was a common
practice ( Hazing during this time has been extensively documented with
Hank Nuwer being a world leader in documenting the extensive hazing events which have
taken place in the US. During this time it maintained the trends which had been established in
previous years. While the flavour of the hazing changed, the fundamental principles remained
unchanged. Hanson (2004:12) state that hazing has become more violent and sexually
orientated in recent times.” This in spite of the fact that hazing in fraternities was forbidden in
1989 (Sterner 2005:7). This is recurring trend in the literature on hazing: once it becomes too
extreme, it is legislated against. What follows is a period of quiet which leads to the reemergence of the practice.
The death rate at universities across the globe continues to rise …

Hazing News

No Hazing Charges in Won Jang death at Dartmouth College

Here is the link to Dartmouth College student newspaper story.

Excerpt from the Dartmouth: written by Senior Staff

The Hanover Police department has filed charges against Alpha Phi sorority and two members of Beta Alpha Omega fraternity in connection with the death of Won Jang ’26. Jang was found dead in the Connecticut River on July 7 following a social event with APhi and Beta.

Authorities found probable cause to charge Matthew Catrambone ’26 and Samuel Terry ’26, both members of Beta, with one misdemeanor each for “providing alcohol to persons under 21 years of age,” according to a press release from the police department this afternoon. In a follow-up interview with The Dartmouth, Hanover Police Chief Charlie Dennis said the investigation found “no evidence” of hazing.

Hazing News

The Fall 2024 semester has a rough and disgusting start due to multiple hazings: football and fraternity both

In my opinion, the fall of 2024 shows a rash of incidents in higher education institutions & high school athletics that should concern all. To wit a sampling:


Deadline approaches for Hank Nuwer Hazing Prevention Award


Thanks for reading, friends and family.  Hank




Hazing News

Selected Hank Nuwer news clippings.

Hank Nuwer interviews, International

The Guardian

Der Spiegel, Germany, May 24, 2007

Das tatsächliche Ausmaß derartiger Praktiken in US-Studentenverbindungen ist unklar. Nur eines ist sicher: Hazing hat Tradition. Der Journalist Hank Nuwer, der in den siebziger Jahren zu recherchieren begann, datiert den ersten von über 100 Fällen mit tödlichem Ausgang auf das Jahr 1838 in Kentucky. Die Liste der Methoden für das, was in Europa schon seit dem 15. Jahrhundert unter Studenten praktiziert worden sein soll, ist lang und reicht von Brandmarken mit Zigaretten und glühenden Eisen über das Wälzen in Fäkalien und Erbrochenem bis hin zu sexueller Gewalt und Elektroschocks.

Der Spiegel, Germany, October 16, 2013

Le professeur Hank Nuwer, auteur de Hazing : Destroying Young Lives, est l’un des experts sur ce sujet. D’après les statistiques qu’il a recueillies, il y a eu 40 décès dans des circonstances semblables, avec l’excès d’alcool comme cause du décès, aux États-Unis entre 2007 et 2017. Par conséquent, dans tous les États sauf six il y a maintenant des lois contre les initiations extrêmes et dans dix États ces activités sont considérées comme des délits mineurs ou des crimes si elles entraînent des dommages corporels.

Le professeur Nuwer m’a dit qu’il a commencé à écrire sur ce sujet et à sensibiliser la population après le décès d’un étudiant à l’Université du Nevada, à Reno, où il avait lui-même étudié et joué au rugby et au baseball. Il se souvient aussi d’être intervenu quand il a vu un jeune homme « avec de l’écume qui sortait de la bouche après avoir bu de l’alcool de maïs à 95 % ».

Corriere dela Sera

Un mese orribile, insomma, ma queste cinque storie non sono isolate: si tratta di hazing death, morti dovuti ai riti di iniziazione e alle eccessive quantità di alcol consumato — spesso illegalmente: i ragazzi non potrebbero bere fino a 21 anni — alle feste delle confraternite. Gran parte delle vittime infatti sono matricole, sottoposte a rituali selvaggi per entrare a far parte del gruppo. Secondo Hank Nuwer, professore del Franklin College che cura un database di questi incidenti, sono oltre 45 i casi nell’ultimo decennio e circa 250 dall’Ottocento a oggi: c’è chi è morto di polmonite, chi per gli sforzi fisici, chi sotto un treno, chi è affogato e chi per abuso di alcol o droga.


Os Estados Unidos também tentam minorar o problema pela via legal – e têm falhado igualmente. Em 44 estados, o trote já é considerado crime. Contudo, 29 estudantes morreram vítimas de trotes violentos…

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Em 44 estados, o trote já é considerado crime. Contudo, 29 estudantes morreram vítimas de trotes violentos na última década, cinco deles só em 2008, segundo levantamento de Hank Nuwer, professor do Franklin College

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El Confidencial

El experto en fraternidades y acoso universitario, el profesor Hank Nuwer, explica a El Confidencial las pruebas de acceso a la hermandad. “Durante las décadas que he estado estudiando la novatada, he escuchado a miembros de bandas y fraternidades decir que no tenían otra elección aparte de capitular y hacer cosas que muchos lamentaron”. Recuerda cómo algunos miembros murieron ahogados o atropellados al intentar superar “pruebas de valentía”.

Nuwer afirma que ocho de cada diez novatadas que han acabado con un muerto (60 casos desde 2005) están relacionadas con el excesivo consumo de alcohol. Además, exige a las universidades ser “más transparentes, lo que significa que los directores deportivos, entrenadores y administradores no pueden mirar hacia otra parte cuando sale otro caso de novatadas”.



El caso de Estados Unidos. La cultura de las fraternidades y la loca vida universitaria que hemos visto en las películas americanas no es solo un relato ficticio, sino el reflejo de una realidad que tiene lugar año tras año, con el inicio de cada curso. De hecho, el nivel de dureza de las pruebas americanas es tan elevada que el portal dedicado a las novatadas y gestionado por el periodista Hank Nuwer, lleva contabilizando las muertes vinculadas a estas prácticas desde 1959.


En Estados Unidos el asunto cuenta con una regulación férrea, aunque no homogénea. Según los datos del portal del experto en el tema Hank Nuwer, desde 1959 en EEUU se han registrado al menos una muerte al año por novatadas en ámbitos académicos.

Le Point

Mais Hank Nuwer, auteur d’un livre sur le bizutage et qui a répertorié les décès dus au bizutage sur les campus américains depuis 1838, se montre moins optimiste.

“Très peu de gens vont en prison”, dit-il. “Les universités doivent prendre plus de responsabilités”, ajoute-t-il. “Ne vous attendez pas à ce que les gens apprennent de leurs erreurs”.


Hazing News

Shame on University of Mississippi for withholding a public record:

Old Miss Does the Wrong Thing: It needed to name the suspended fraternity