Hazing News

Express your opinion on California’s Matt’s Law

If it is your pleasure, please take a moment to send an email {} to Senator Torlakson of California who is presenting SB1454 to the Public Safety hearing this morning. Senator Torlakson’s office worked with several other Senators to make slight revisions to the wording of the bill, and as a result the bill was unanimously accepted by the committee.
The next step is the Judiciary Committee. Express your view in favor of the bill or any objections you may have as part of the democratic process.

I am grateful to the parents of Matt Carrington for keeping this site informed. HN

Hazing News

California hazing law (Matt’s Law) called essential for the times

This opinion was published in the Contra Costa newspaper. Link here.

Hazing News

Fraternity member says mom didn’t know best. Charges dropped.

Alpha Phi Alpha is no longer under investigation at Arkansas State U.


Hazing News

Norwich allegations include physical hazing

A lawsuit against Norwich by a former cadet contains allegations of hitting.

Click for link.

Hazing News

4 high school baseball players charged

The link to this KUTV story is here:

Four young adults were charged with misdemeanor hazing. The story was reported April 4, 2006.