Midwest Writers interview and writing tips with Hank Nuwer

Speaks at writing conferences on freelance writing, memoir writing and literary journalism/creative nonfiction. Puts on his one-man play for Greeks & athletes & parents on hazing deaths. Occasionally presents pro bono but requires transportation from Fairbanks, Alaska. Acting and Voiceover links.

Contact at Hnuwer@Hanknuwer.com.
“Hazing can have tragic consequences. Hank Nuwer … is perhaps the world’s leading authority on the subject.” Guy Adams, The Independent
- From Eric Pope of Rochester Institute of Technology: “RIT’s Fraternity & Sorority Life was honored to have the internationally renowned hazing prevention expert, Hank Nuwer, as our Hazing Prevention Week Keynote speaker. Professor Nuwer was able to share powerful stories on how hazing has impacted the lives of not only the victims but the families, friends, and others which really hit home to our community. . . .Hearing the stories about how others have suffered has only strengthened my resolve to continue fighting against this evil. “