Giants co-owner John Mara is either a stupid man or absolutely blind taking the stand he has taken on obvious workplace harassment by Jason Pierre-Paul.
Yesterday, he had the opportunity to step up in the game of life and condemn an obvious case of work hazing and force the NFL to consider passing an anti-hazing policy that all teams must respect.
Instead, Mara fumbled the ball big time in an interview with USA Today. “It’s just something that goes on,” Mara said [to USA Today]. “But it was boys being boys that has been curtailed.”
Boys will be boys? That’s exactly what parents were told 20 and 30 years ago by college deans of students after a hazing left a son dead or crippled.
You won’t hear any dean say that now after a serious hazing incident.
Mara has added insult to injury with his thoughtless quote.