Last updated: Feb. 11, 2025. HN
VIDEO: Daniel Reese by Hank Nuwer
Philadelphia Masons
Hazing prank
June 15, 1737. The first known hazing death in America. Daniel Rees was hazed on June 13, 1737, and died of burns and shock two days later.
Daniel Rees was killed by thrown boiling liquid during a faked initiation in which he had to kiss the backsides of the pranksters and submit to other indignities.
Freemason Benjamin Franklin’s reputation was tarnished in The American Mercury when he admitted to laughing at the cruel prank instead of ordering the hazers to desist.
The entire tale is told in Hank Nuwer’s “Hazing: Destroying Young Lives” (Indiana University, 2018).
1890 (January)
Royal Arch Masons
Huntington, W.V.
Death during initiation for the Royal Arch degree
The Rev. J. W. Johnson of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Huntington, WV died of injuries days after he fell to his death during a climbing stunt during his initiation.
1896 Iowa Elks, Des Moines
Hazing Prank
Bizarre death of Edward W. Curry following an “initiation” by the Elks. He was “accidentally” fried in an electric chair stunt. Cause of death was blood poisoning due to infection. He died November 19, 1896. He was an Iowa state Democratic party chair at the time of death.
Toledo, Ohio
Catholic Young Mens Association
Rough hazing resulting in fatal lung hemorrhage
On his deathbed, Charles Steinele accused CYMA members of punching him in the dark as the cause of his wounds that led to his death, May 16, 1899. During physical hazing during the initiation, he was hit and tripped. “When the lights were turned on, he had a hemorrhage of the lungs. He never recovered from this, and they occurred frequently until he died.” The Lindsborg Record (Kansas), May 19, 1899; (and many other newspapers)
Carbondale, Illinois
Select Knight of the Royal Arch (a trade society for liquor sellers and salesmen)
Killed during initiation by explosive device
During initiation ceremonies, a sort-of “paddle” with a gun barrel four inches long was employed with a single 32-calibre cartridge that explodes upon an intentional tap. Apparently, traveling salesman Gus Giesek, the initiation’s master of ceremonies, accidentally mishandled the device and shot William Lafayette Deason (1849-1899), a Civil War veteran, in the right hip. Infection set in and Deason “died in awful agony,” according to the article “Initiation Killed Him,” Mercersburg (Pa.) Journal, December 1, 1899.
Note: Sept. 9, 2024. Due to a typo, numerous newspapers nationwide mistakenly identified the victim as “Lafe Doason, a saloonkeeper from DeSoto,” IL
Birmingham, Alabama
Loyal Order of Moose
Hazing deaths Initiates Donald A. Kenny and Christopher Gustin were being given a prank initiation in which both thought they had consented to a branding. Although they passed out, the initiation continued with deadly consequences, according to the Pittston Gazette (July 25, 1913).
Hammond, Indiana
Brotherhood of All Railroad Employees
Initiation death
New member William Nelson, a laborer, was killed by an electric shock when he was ordered to don copper-soled shoes through which an electric current was then introduced.
Birmingham, Alabama
Loyal Order of the Moose
Initiation death
Donald A. Kelley died from an electric shock after contact with a so-called “branding board.”
Chicago, Illinois K
Knights of Columbus Initiation death
Tossing candidates into the air on blankets and so on was once a common form of horseplay during initiations. John C. Van Sistine, 25, suffered a broken neck. Van Sistine had been married during the previous year.
Camden, N.J.
Colored Els of Camden
Samuel A. Wilson died after being strapped into an electric chair.
Independent Benevolent Protective Order of the Elks
Physical hazing
Cephas Mills, 19, an African-American youth, died during his initiation by some 30 members. He was placed on an electrified hot seat with current set high enough to kill him. It was under police investigation. I am trying to find out if anyone was charged with a crime. Newspaper account below.
McKeesport, PA
Colored Elks Lodge,
Initiate Allen Singleton died of a massive heart attack while members were shocking him with an electric razor. Members were released after an investigation. Source: Pittsburgh Post Gazette, July 5, 1945.
Chilliwack, B.C., Canada
Tribal dancing rites
Edwin Gabriel George, 32, a Canadian Indian, died December 18, 1972, after inhaling vomit likely caused by brain damage during intense initiation rites.
Unorganized “fort” club, suburban Washington, D.C.
Fatal alcohol initiation
Apparently inspired by a drinking initiation on the TV show “Happy Days,” Stephen O’Donnell, 15, chose a bottle of vodka for his drink of choice. Fellow club members, all young teens, failed to revive him after he passed out and died, according to the December 1, 1977 Danville Register.
Fairmont City, Illinois
Sons of Satan motorcycle club
Fatal alcohol initiation
St. Clair County Coroner James Radden blamed a club drinking initiation for the deaths of Charles Wright Jr., 24, and Elijah L. Lawson, 33, both of East St. Louis.
Patchogue, NY
Southside Masonic Lodge 493
Shooting death during hazing
Accidental shooting death of new member A shooting during a bizarre “William Tell” ritual with live ammunition at Southside Masonic Lodge 493 killed William James, 47. The shooter served no prison time.
Not Confirmed below: Sept. 9, 2024
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Modern Woodmen of America
The organization paid Mrs. Mary J. Lewis $2,500 for his death by necrosis after being injured in an initiation by the Cooperville chapter. [Sedalia Weekly Democrat, Nov. 6, 1902]
Searching for husband’s name and more verification.