Moderator: Once again a school refuses to release details on the incident and cites the protection of its students. The Plain Dealer should interview the coach and find out the hidden facts. Story follows:
Trinity confirms hazing incident with the baseball team; coach Nick Fratalonie resigns
Tim Warsinskey, The Plain Dealer, April 01, 2010 12:28 p.m.
Garfield Heights, Ohio – A hazing incident took place involving Trinity’s baseball team last month and the coach has resigned, a school official said.
“A physical incident, not sexual in nature, which we consider a form of hazing, took place during a baseball team trip the weekend of March 19-21,” Trinity principal Carla Fritsch said in a statement. “The team members involved in the incident received disciplinary consequences and the head baseball coach resigned his position.
“In handling this matter, we have followed the guidelines in our own student handbook.”
Fritsch declined to comment further on the incident, where it took place or the number of players involved.
“Discussing disciplinary actions with persons other than the parents/guardians of those involved violates the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,” Fritsch said in the statement, which was sent to The Plain Dealer in response to an inquiry.
She said the coach, Nick Fratalonie, did not hold any other positions at Trinity.
“I resigned for personal and family reasons not directly related to this,” said Fratalonie, who also is the manager of the Ohio Thunder 18U summer baseball team that annually features some college-bound seniors.
He also declined further comment. Fratalonie was hired in June of 2006 after serving as a Trinity assistant the previous two seasons.
Garfield Heights police said a report had not been filed and they were unaware of the incident.
Trinity Athletic Director Paul Prospal, a former baseball coach, has been named head coach for the remainder of the season, which started Monday.
Plain Dealer Reporter Tim Rogers contributed to this report.