Excerpt below:
My efforts have developed into The Jensen Project, which among its many initiatives has established a special program at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. The students who have joined the project — and at times there are more men than women taking part, which is truly encouraging — have been enthusiastic about designing programs to prevent sexual abuse, bullying and harassment. I’m especially proud of their Stand Up and Speak Out program, because it is only when people learn to talk openly and honestly about these issues that we can begin to change the culture.
This is obviously just one program in very large world. But I am convinced that teaching compassion and empathy and promoting courage and openness are the right policies. If our model can be adopted by enough schools, the day may eventually come when people will look back at the Cosby trial as an anachronism of a long-gone era.
Jensen is the founder of The Jensen Project, which is committed to curbing harassment, hazing, bullying and sexual abuse among young people