
Hank Nuwer: Tributes

One Long Wild Conversation: Fraser Drew (Fraser Bragg Drew)

Carey Shea Review of One Long Wild Conversation by Hank Nuwer and Fraser Bragg Drew
Screenwriter Travis Braun interviews Fraser Drew & Hank Nuwer
Doc: a Tribute to Louis Ingelhart, AKA Lou Ingelhart, Journalism First Amendment hero
Online tributes to Judson Jerome and Richard Hoats, etc. —Mourningonline
To a Hunter Dying Young
Zdislaw Swiecki:  From the Resistance to Man of Stamps
Requiem for a Body Shop Guy
Fraser Bragg Drew obituary link:Fraserdrewobituary
Harley Warrick (1924-2000): The Mailpouch Barn Painter by “Henry Joseph” (Hank Nuwer pseudonym): MailpouchBarn
Jim Noble and Tiny Boyles: God Rest Thee, Merry Gentlemen
Outdoor Author Jim Kjelgaard
NOTE TO FELLOW FANS OF JIM KJELGAARD:  I have collected about a dozen of Jim Kjelgaard’s short stories published in magazines 1934-1959. Happy to swap photocopies of these articles with other fans of Jim Kjelgaard.