Excerpt from Lou Harry’s Writer’s Digest essay on “The Incredible Disappearing Magazine”
….Another Indy Men’s Magazine contributor, Hank Nuwer, has been there, too. For a while, the author of How to Write Like an Expert About Anything and writing professor at Franklin College, earned steady work at the online pub Streetmail. “When that folded, well, first you cry. Then you haul out the Rolodex to put the word out with former editors—and even former students who might now have jobs—that you”re available.” Everyone understands the volatility of the magazine market. Don”t assume that the failure of a publication will be seen as your failure.
Nuwer encourages writers to watch for signs of trouble with their existing markets. Slow pay, staff reductions and delayed response can indicate problems. Don”t wait for your e-mail to be bounced back as undeliverable to start looking around for other work.